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Rajasthani Alphabet

Hindi/Rajasthani Alphabets:

Hindi and Rajasthani both use devanagari script and they are very similar languages when it comes to writing and pronunciation. Therefore, when referring to languages , I will be using Hindi interchangeably with Rajasthani in my writings.

Best thing about Hindi and Rajasthani language is that there is a letter for each sound. There are no silent letters.  You speak or pronounce what you write. There are no hidden sounds. Therefore, once you learn all the vowels and consonants of these languages, it becomes very easy to read it.

Hindi Writing:

Hindi is written in Devanagari script. It is written from left to right. It does not have upper- and lower-case letters. It has a distinctive horizontal line running along the tops of the letters that links them together.

In Hindi consonant and vowel are written together as a unit. Vowels are mostly used as notations or marks ( matraa)  on consonants to make different sounds. You can think of vowels as modifiers for consonants.

Learning the writing system for a native English speaker can take some time because it has almost double the vowels and consonants than English language. Hindi language uses “matraa” system to form different sounds. A Matraa is called “vowel diacritic” in English. A diacritic is a symbol (glyph) added to a letter to give it additional sound. All the vowels of Hindi language except the first one provides different forms of matraas to add to consonants to give various sounds. Hindi language also has many sounds that do not exist in English language. Hence it takes time for a native English speaker to learn those sounds. Once you have learned all the vowels and corresponding matraas, and consonants, it becomes very easy to read Hindi.


In Hindi, matraa is the vowel that you attach with the consonants. When different vowel is attached with same consonant it creates a different sound.

Example: M + aa = Ma

M + o  = Mo

You can also think of it as a symbol attached to a consonant to make different sounds.


क ( consonant) + आ ( vowel represented by symbol ा )  = का

K              + aa                                      = Ka

You will see more examples of this below in a Barahkhadi table.

Hindi Vowels:

There are 13 vowels in Hindi. Last two vowels are diacritic marks and sometimes placed with consonants. In that case Hindi has 11 vowels. If you look at ancient Devanagari script, you will find that there were 14 vowels. But mostly with modern Hindi you will either see 13 or 11 vowels based on how one is grouping अं and  अः .

Hindi vowels can be used alone or combined with consonant. When they are combined with a consonant, they change the appearance and the sound of the consonant. They also lose their appearance. Only a part of vowel is used to combine with consonant. When they are not combined with consonant, they do not change neither appearance nor sound of the consonant and they keep their form.

Example: आ is a vowel that makes sound of “aa” as in cart.

It can be used as it is. Example: आ aa(vowel) + म ma(consonant) = आम (aam) mango

Both vowel and consonant keep their form.


It can be used combined with a consonant. It will then modify the consonant.

Example: ब ba(consonant) + आ aa(vowel) + ल la (consonant) =  बाल ( baal) Hair


In this you can see that when आ is combined with consonant, only part of आ is used to form a word. You do not see आ vowel as it is. We do not write बआल. We take the part of आ and combine it with consonant ब. That part is called matraa in Hindi.

You will see all the Hindi vowel below. Pay attention to the sound and matraa they form.

Hindi Vowels and sounds they make:

1. Hindi vowel # 1:  अ a

“अ” is a short vowel. It is pronounced like first “a” in America or “u” in urn. There is no matraa here. It  is used as it is. This “अ” sound is inherently present in all consonants.

2.Hindi vowel # 2:  आ aa

“आ” is a long vowel. It has the sound of “aa” in art or “aa” in cart. “आ” is made by drawing a straight line next to अ. This line is called “matraa” in Hindi. So in Hindi “ा “ is called “आ” ‘s matraa. You add the symbol or matraa ा to the end of the consonant.

Example: का [kaa] is a combination of क + आ (k + aa).

3. Hindi vowel # 3:  इ i

“इ” is a short vowel. It is pronounced like “e” in eat or “I” in ink. Matraa is ि. you add the matraa ि to the left-hand side of the consonant (before the consonant). Example: कि [ki] is a combination of क + इ (k + i).

4. Hindi vowel # 4:  ई ee

 “ई” is a long vowel. It has the same sound as that of “इ” but being a long vowel, it doesn’t end abruptly. It has the sound of “EE” in seek or “EA” in peak. Matraa is ी. You add the matraa ी to the right-hand side of the consonant (after the consonant). Example: की [kee] is a combination of क+  ई (k + ee).

5. Hindi vowel # 5:  उ u

“उ” is a short vowel. It has the sound of “u” in pull or full. Matraa is ु. You add the symbol ु beneath the consonant.  कु [ku] is a combination of क + उ (k + u)

6. Hindi vowel # 6:  ऊ o

 “ऊ” is a long vowel. It is pronounced like short  except for a little longer time. It has the sound of  “oo” in pool or fool. Matraa is ू. You flip the previous symbol and add the symbol ू beneath the consonant. कू [koo] is a combination of क + ऊ (k + oo).

 7. Hindi vowel # 7:  ए e

 “ए” is a short vowel. It has the sound of “e” in shed or “ai” in said. Matraa is े. You add the symbol े above the consonant.  के [ke] is a combination of क + ए (k + e).

 8. Hindi vowel # 8:  ऐ ai

“ऐ” is a long vowel. It has the sound of “a” in shade or “ai” in mail. Matraa is ै. You add the symbol ै    above the consonant. कै [kaae] is a combination of क + ऐ (k + aae).

 9. Hindi vowel # 9:  ओ o

“ओ” has the sound of “O” in old or “OA” in coal. Matraa is ो. You add the symbol ो to the right- hand side of the consonant (after the consonant). को [ko] is a combination of क + ओ (k + o).

10. Hindi vowel # 10:  औ au

“औ” has the sound of “O” in shot or “AU” in caught. Matraa is ौ. You add the symbol ौ to the right-hand side of the consonant (after the consonant). कौ [kau] is a combination of क+ औ (k + au).

11. Hindi vowel # 11:  अं ng

“अं” has the sound of “un” in plunder or “ng” in sing.  Matraa is ं. You add the symbol ं above the consonant. Example:  कं is combination of  क्+अं (k+un/k+um)

12. Hindi vowel # 12:  अ: uh

“अ:” has the sound of “ah” in uh. Matraa is ः you add the matraa ः to the end of the consonant. Example:  क: is a combination of  क् + अ: (K+uh)

13.Hindi vowel # 13:    ri

ऋ has the sound of “ri” as in rip or rig. Matraa is ृ. You add the matraa ृ beneath the consonant. Example:  कृ [kri] is a combination of क +ऋ (k + ri).


Table of Hindi vowels and vowel diacritics (matraa).


अ    आ    इ    ई     उ     ऊ    ऋ     ए     ऐ    ओ    औ     अं     अः

a    aa   i    ii    u    oo   ri    e   ai    o    au   un  uh

a      ā     i     ī     u      ū     ṛ     e    ai     o     au   aṅ    aḥ

[ʌ]  [a]  [i]  [iː] [u]  [uː]  [ṛ] [e]  [æː] [o]  [ɔː]  [aŋ] [əh]

    ि  ी                   ृ      े     ै           ौ     ं   ः


Hindi Consonants:

Lot of Hindi consonants make same sounds as English consonants. But there are a few completely new sounds in Hindi that are not present in English language. To learn these new sounds it will require practice and patience. It may seem difficult in the beginning but it will be well worth in the end. One thing to notice that all consonants have “अ(a)” sound inherently in them at the end. Try this: make a sound of “C (क)” in car. You will notice that in the end there is a sound of “A (अ)” as in around.


I have tried my best to give examples in English as close as possible but there are certain sounds which are lacking in English language therefore no words are available for examples.

When practicing these sounds know the difference between an aspirated and unaspirated sound. Aspirated sounds are one that release a puff of air when pronouncing them. Unaspirated sound do not release air. You can put your palm in front of your mouth when practicing these sounds and notice the difference in sounds based on air movement.


  • spin – no air felt on hand
  • Pin – feel the puff of air on the hand


  • ख [kh] This is the coupled sound of [k] + [h] = [kh], as in  “ Khan” or “Khyber.” Something similar is first “K” in kick.
  • घ [gh] This is the coupled sound of [g] + [h] = [gh], as “gh” in aghast.
  • छ [chha] This is the coupled sound of [ch] + [h] = [chh], as “ch” in choo choo train.
  • झ [jh] This is the coupled sound of [j] + [h] = [jh]. It’s not available in English. But it is kind of similar to  “dge” sound in hedgehog.
  • ठ [th] This is the coupled sound of [t] + [h] = [th] as “t” in tight.
  • ढ [dh] This is the coupled sound of [d] + [h] = [dh]. It’s not available in English, but can be remembered as the “dh” in Dhaka ( capital of Bangladesh) or adhere.
  • थ [th] as “th” in thermos.
  • ध [dh] as “dh” in dharma.
  • फ [ph] This is the sound of [f] if pronounced with closed lips. It is not available in English.
  • श [sh] as “sh” in shut.
  • ष [sh]  It occurs only in borrowed Sanskrit words in Hindi. Pronounced as श [sh].
  • भ [bh] This is the coupled sound of [b] + [h] = [bh]. It’s not available in English, but can be remembered as the “bh” in Bhutan ( country) or abhor.
  • ह [h] as “h” in hurt
  • क्ष [ksh] as “ictio” in friction.


  • क [ka]  as “c” in cute or scant or “k” in skill or skirt.. ( There is no “H” sound in here. It is a very sharp and clear “k” sound).
  • ग [ga] as “g” in gum.
  • ङ [nga] as “ng” in tongue.
  • च [cha] as  “ch” in church.
  • ज [ja ] as “j” in jug.
  • ञ [nya] as “na” pinata.
  • ट [ta] as “t” in tub or stuck.
  • ड [da] as “d” in duck.
  • ण [na] as “un” in grunt, stunt and “on” in front.
  • त [ta] as “t” in pasta or “t” in Istanbul.
  • द [da] as  “th” in the or than.
  • न [na] as “n” in nun.
  • प [pa] as “p” in perk.
  • ब [ba] as “b” in bus.
  • म [ma] as “m” in mug.
  • य [ya] as “y” in yuck.
  • र [ra] as “r” in run
  • ल [la] as “l” in luck.
  • व [va] as “v” in vent.
  • स [sa] as “s” in sun
  • त्र [tra] This is the coupled sound of soft [T] + [r] = [Tr] as “tr” in tres ( Spanish)
  • ज्ञ [gya] as “gy” gyana ( hindi) or Wagyu ( Japanese)

Hindi-English Barakhadi Full Chart

Barakhadi: It is a table or ordering of the combinations of all consonants and vowels in alphabetical order. The twelve vowels of the alphabet are combined with consonant sounds to form different sounds. “Barah” means twelve and thus , it is called barakhadi.

Hindi -English Barakhadi

अं अः
a aa i ee u oo e ai o au an ah


का कि की कु कू के कै को कौ कं कः
K Ka Ki Kee Ku Koo Ke Kai Ko Kau Kan Kah
खा खि खी खु खू खे खै खो खौ खं खः
Kh Kha Khi Khee Khu Khoo Khe Khai Kho Khau Khan Khah
गा गि गी गु गू गे गै गो गौ गं गः
G Ga Gi Gee Gu Goo Ge Gai Go Gau Gan Gah
घा घि घी घु घू घे घै घो घौ घं घः
Gh Gha Ghi Ghee Ghu Ghoo Ghe Ghai Gho Ghau Ghan Ghah
चा चि ची चु चू चे चै चो चौ चं चाः
Ch Cha Chi Chee Chu Choo Che Chai Cho Chau Chan Chah
छा छि छी छु छू छे छै छो छौ छं छः
Chh Chha Chhi Chhee Chhu Chhoo Chhe Chhai Chho Chhau Chhan Chhhah
जा जि जी जु जू जे जै जो जौ जं जः
J Ja Ji Jee Ju Joo Je Jai Jo Jau Jan Jah
झा झि झी झु झू झे झै झो झौ झं झः
Jh Jha Jhi Jhee Jhu Jhoo Jhe Jhai Jho Jhau Jhan Jhah
टा टि टी टु टू टे टै टो टौ टं टः
T Ta Ti Tee Tu Too Te Tai To Tau Tan Tah
ठा ठि ठी ठु ठू ठे ठै ठो ठौ ठं ठः
Th Tha Thi Thee Thu Thoo The Thai Tho Thau Than Thah
डा डि डी डु डू डे डै डो डौ डं डः
D Da Di Dee Du Doo De Dai Do Dau Dan Dah
ढा ढि ढी ढु ढू ढे ढ़ै ढ़ो ढौ ढं ढ़:
Dh Dha Dhi Dhee Dhu Dhoo Dhe Dhai Dho Dhau Dhan Dhah
णा णि णी णु णू णे णै णो णौ णं णः
N Na Ni Nee Nu Noo Ne Nai No Nau Nan Nah
ता ति ती तु तू ते तै तो तौ तं तः
T Ta Ti Tee Tu Too Te Tai To Tau Tan Tah
था थि थी थु थू थे थै थो थौ थं थः
Th Tha Thi Thee Thu Thoo The Thai Tho Thau Than Thah
दा दि दी दु दू दे दै दो दौ दं दः
D Da Di Dee Du Doo De Dai Do Dau Dan Dah
धा धि धी धु धू धे धै धो धौ धं धः
Dh Dha Dhi Dhee Dhu Dhoo Dhe Dhai Dho Dhau Dhan Dhah
ना नि नी नु नू ने नै नो नौ नं नः
N Na Ni Nee Nu Noo Ne Nai No Nau Nan Nah
पा पि पी पु पू पे पै पो पौ पं पः
P Pa Pi Pee Pu Poo Pe Pai Po Pau Pan Pah
फा फि फी फु फू फे फै फो फौ फं फः
Ph Pha Phi Phee Phu Phoo Phe Phai Pho Phau Phan Phah
बा बि बी बु बू बे बै बो बौ बं बः
B Ba Bi Bee Bu Boo Be Bai Bo Bau Ban Bah
भा भि भी भु भू भे भै भो भौ भं भः
Bh Bha Bhi Bhee Bhu Bhoo Bhe Bhai Bho Bhau Bhan Bhah
मा मि मी मु मू मे मै मो मौ मं मः
M Ma Mi Mee Mu Moo Me Mai Mo Mau man Mah
या यि यी यु यू ये यै यो यौ यं यः
Y Ya Yi Yee Yu Yoo Ye Yai Yo Yau Yan Yah
रा रि री रु रू रे रै रो रौ रं रः
R Ra Ri Ree Ru Roo Re Rai Ro Rau Ran Rah
ला लि ली लु लू ले लै लो लौ लं लः
L La Li Lee Lu Loo Le Lai Lo Lau Lan Lah
वा वि वी वु वू वे वै वो वौ वं वः
V Va Vi Vee Vu Voo Ve Vai Vo Vau Van Vah
शा शि शी शु शू शे शै शो शौ शं शः
Sh Sha Shi Shee Shu Shoo She Shai Sho Shau Shan Shah
षा षि षी षु षू षे षै षो षौ षं षः
Sh Sha Shi Shee Shu Shoo She Shai Sho Shau Shan Shah
सा सि सी सु सू से सै सो सौ सं सः
Sa Saa Si See Su Soo Se Sai So Sau San Sah
हा हि ही हु हू हे है हो हौ हं हः
H Ha Hi Hee Hu Hoo He Hai Ho Hau Han Hah
क्ष क्षा क्षि क्षी क्षु क्षू क्षे क्षै क्षो क्षौ क्षं क्षः
Ksh Ksha Kshi Kshee Kshu Kshoo Kshe Kshai Ksho Kshau Kshan Kshah
त्र त्रा त्रि त्री त्रु त्रू त्रे त्रै त्रो त्रौ त्रं त्रः
Tr Tra Tri Tree Tru Troo Tre Trai Tro Trau Tran Trah
ज्ञ ज्ञा ज्ञि ज्ञी ज्ञु ज्ञू ज्ञे ज्ञै ज्ञो ज्ञौ ज्ञं ज्ञः
Gy Gya Gyi Gyee Gyu Gyoo Gye Gyai Gyo Gyau Gyan Gyah